Select your hemophilia type
Reflect on your Goals and Aspirations
Reflect on your hemophilia
Reflect on your life with hemophilia. Your answers will not be stored. Your answers will be included in your personalized summary at the end of the tool for you to print and bring to your healthcare team.
On a scale of 0 to 100, rate how much you agree with the following statements:
I feel tied to (or constrained by) my hemophilia treatment regimen.
Managing my hemophilia takes a lot of effort.
My hemophilia is always in the back of my mind.
I feel adequately protected against bleeds.
I am concerned about the potential side effects of novel therapies for hemophilia.
I feel upset about missing significant opportunities because of my hemophilia.
My hemophilia makes it difficult to keep up a satisfying social life.
My hemophilia keeps me from being able to fulfill the roles I expect to be able to do.