Questions for your health care team
Your personalized summary
Thank you
I feel tied to (or constrained by) my hemophilia treatment regimen
Managing my hemophilia takes a lot of effort
My hemophilia is always in the back of my mind
I feel adequately protected against bleeds
I am concerned about the potential side effects of novel therapies for hemophilia
I feel upset about missing significant opportunities because of my hemophilia
My hemophilia makes it difficult to keep up a satisfying social life.
My hemophilia keeps me from being able to fulfill the roles I expect to be able to do
Multiple products that are widely approved
All Ages
An injection into the vein 1-4 times per week
Times per year and as needed
Factor levels increase immediately and decrease rapidly
Employment/ education
Injection schedule
Physical activity
Treatment efficacy
Bleeding risk
Joint pain
Blood-bone infections (HCV/HIV)*
Affected family members and carriers
Daily concerns
Occasional concerns
Little to no concerns
1. What treatment types are available to me?
3. What is the process for switching to a new treatment?
6. Will I still have to record my treatments?
8. What will happen in the event of a bleed on this new treatment?
10. In your opinion, what are the drawbacks compared to my current treatment?